Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Dadongshan Trail,A trail full of Hwamei birds.

Fenqihu Dadongshan Trail is one of the Lesser Baiyue Mountains, and it is quite cool in summer when you come to the hiking trail, which is about 1,600~2,000 meters above sea level. You can also see painted birds flying in the cedar forests, and there is a rich ecology as well as characteristic landscapes, such as the Seven Star Stone, the Stone Lion Elephant, and the Tree Stone Alliance, which are very popular to go and see!

Dadongshan Trail(大凍山步道)

There is an obvious signboard at the trailhead, and mountaineers will take a few pictures here before they start to climb ~Parking is recommended to wait in the parking lot (basically impossible to find a spot on holidays), I didn’t have to wait for a long time, and after 10 minutes or so some mountaineers who had finished climbing gave up their parking spaces!

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

The day I just parked the car, I heard the sound of birds, a whole group of small Doraemon in the bamboo shuttle, not yet started to climb the mountain first spent half an hour to shoot the birds ~ Alishan mountain area is really rich in bird resources, originally I wanted to say come to climb the mountain, thinking about whether to bring a telephoto lens said.


After half an hour of shooting, the Greenback Tits, who are amongst the Doraemons, decided to go hiking with their telephoto lenses (please ask your friends who are hiking with you to help carry them~).

oriental greenback tits (Carduelis sinica)
oriental greenback tits (Carduelis sinica)

The forested landscape of Fenqihu in Alishan is filled with towering cedar forests, which has always been a favorite view of mine!

Taejung Mountain Trail
Taejung Mountain Trail

There were no mosquitoes in the bamboo forest here as expected. In the past, there were a lot of mosquitoes in the bamboo forest area, and I wondered if they had been fed by the early arrivals.

Tae Fong San
bamboo forest
Dadongshan Trail

Along the way, there are begonias with pink flowers and unknown mushrooms.

shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom

Half of the climbers were ready to leave and half of them were ready to start climbing, but the same thing was that everyone greeted each other warmly, even if they didn’t know each other, which is an experience you don’t get in the city!

bamboo forest
bamboo forest

In this bamboo forest, I encountered different flocks of birds, most of which were storks. The second one looks like a sub-adult of storks (not sure). (I’m not sure.) If you know, please leave a comment or write me back.

Counting Birds
Counting Birds
painted lady's eyebrows

trestle chair(三角椅)

The so-called triangular chair is three long wooden chairs surrounded by a triangle, in the photo straight can go to Pili Mountain, and the left is to go to the Dafeng Mountain Observation Deck (the highest point), I myself think that you can go to Pili Mountain first, and then come back here to go to the Dafeng Mountain Observation Deck, the time won’t take too long ~ (in my impression, half an hour can come back, not to take pictures of the words)

trestle chair
Mount Perak

Mount Perak(霹靂山)

Follow the signs and you’ll be right, the sign says 0.3k, it’s really not far, as for the Hui Tau Leng I didn’t go that day, I don’t know if it’s good or not, I don’t know if it’s good.

Mount Perak
Mount Perak

The guy in the red jacket is actually my friend who came with me… Notice the camera in his left hand? That’s right… That’s the camera I asked him to help me carry, and then asked him to pass it to me when we met the birds, thank you very much for his help!

Dadongshan Trail
Mount Perak

Next to the pavilion is the triangular point of Mount Perak, elevation 1865, summer is quite cool, but I don’t know why, I didn’t encounter mosquitoes all day long, as soon as I got here, mosquitoes exploded ah…. I can see that my face is a little bit unhappy XD, I was going to eat bananas here to replenish my energy, but I decided to go back to the triangular chair to eat again.

Mount Perak
Mount Perak
Mount Perak

There is another path next to the pavilion leading to an unknown place, so I didn’t plan to walk further this time for fear of dragging on for too long, after all, it’s too late to go down the mountain as we might encounter dense fog, so safety is the priority!

Mount Perak

On the way back to the triangular chair, I encountered another flock of birds. I can only say that I was very lucky that day, it was already past the early morning when the highest rate of bird presence is, and I still encountered so many times, so I can only say that I was lucky, tattooed winged painted eyebrow, white-eared painted eyebrow, gray ~ this time I was delayed for half an hour again, but it was very straight.

Tattooing and Eyebrow Painting
"White Ears and Plain Eyebrows" (idiom); White Ears and Plain Eyebrows
"White Ears and Plain Eyebrows" (idiom); White Ears and Plain Eyebrows

Behind the triangular chair at Dadongshan Trail

I ate a banana at the triangular chair and continued to the observation deck. I have to thank the young man in red again for his help!

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Turn left when you get to the place where the signboards are introduced. (Going straight, I don’t know where I’m going.)

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Stone Lion Elephant (石獅象)

Once you turn around the signboards, you can see some spectacular boulders! The Stone Lion Elephant is named because one side looks like a lion’s roar and the other side looks like an elephant’s body, but I’m too stupid to see it, so I’ll just take a picture of the scenery.

Dadongshan Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Almost all of the steps are wooden and very walkable.

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

There were about three boulders, and each of them was covered with plants, as if they had hair, and stood out against the straight cedar forest. An old couple sat down here to rest, and we chatted for a while, and the atmosphere was really relaxing.

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Dadongshan Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

The sun was shining and the ferns on the rock wall were green and healthy.

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

seven-starred stone(七星石)

Walking from the Stone Lion Elephant, when you come across the wooden pallet, look to the right and you will see the Seven Star Rock (the second photo), which is also a boulder full of plants. The Seven Star Rock is made up of coral rocks on the seabed, and it appeared here after plate tectonic movement. I didn’t find any signage on the wooden trek, so I couldn’t find it at first, but finally I found it because it was marked on the offline map (when you’re climbing, even if it’s a nice trail, it’s recommended to turn on the offline map! It’s a good idea to turn on the offline map even if it’s a good trail.)

seven-starred stone

On the way to the observation deck, there is an oversized pavilion, which is really friendly to mountaineers, with a bunch of plants growing on the top of the pavilion. Since it was still an epidemic period, I didn’t plan to go up there and crowd the place with people, and there is a restroom next to the pavilion, which is really suitable for taking off the masks and having lunch.

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Cabin toilet.


Around noon, the fog started to drift in the mountain area, it was a kind of fairyland feeling, I spent too much time shooting birds…. I spent too much time on bird photography… I didn’t even reach the observation deck by noon, so I can imagine it should be a white wall.


Dadongshan Observation Deck

Elevation 1975 of the observation deck, in fact, really will not be tired, the whole road is not too steep slope, after the fog there is no outlook, here I did not stay too much, take a picture to remember a little ready to go back to the road, here is the route is a circle of the O-go, so there is no need to go back to the original road, you can continue to go well, see if there is a special landscape can be photographed!

Daiyokusan Observation Deck
viewing platform

After crossing the observation deck, we went downhill, letting my friend walk in front of us while I took photos behind us.

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Most of the process of walking down the mountain in the fog, in this kind of scene need to pay attention to the shutter speed, iso can be pulled up a little, and then is to pay attention to the hands do not shake (can bring a tripod is the best, but I basically do not bother to bring…). (it’s best to bring a tripod, but I basically don’t bother… unless I’m shooting a running water scene).

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Passing by a boulder, perhaps because the sun doesn’t shine too brightly here, the road surface is particularly slippery and moss has grown quite a bit.


These small blue-purple flowers are common on the second half of the trail and are found on both sides of the trail.


On the way back, there were only two sounds, one was the sound of hiking poles tapping, and the other was the sound of feet stepping on the fallen leaves, forming a very steady rhythm ~ I don’t know if it was just me, but the amount of fallen leaves on the second half of the journey was several times of the amount on the first half of the journey (looking back at the photos, it seems to be true that it’s really the same thing).

Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

Tree Stone Union(樹石盟)

The last special scenery is the Tree and Rock Alliance, it’s not hard to see the origin of the name, the big tree grows on top of the boulder, when the fog cleared up, it was very nice to see under the sunlight in the afternoon! Maybe it was too late, the number of mountaineers on the hill has become very small, only the friends who were traveling with us were left in the camera, I believe there must be a lot of people taking photos here before noon.

Tree Stone Union
Tree Stone Union
Tree Stone Union
Tree Stone Union

The big tree on the trail is a strange shape, it must have fallen and continued to grow upwards, so I spent a few minutes taking pictures of it again.

Tree Stone Union
Fenqihu Dafeng Mountain Trail

The last bridge and the last begonia, begonia flowers are very scattered, it is difficult to see the whole sea of flowers in the forest, the emergence of small flowers to decorate the screen is very straight happy, the first photo of the begonia flowers bloom on the left side of the bridge ~ (zoom in to see)


When I was about to leave, it started to fog up again, and when I got back to the bamboo forest at the beginning, my friend was already a bit tired, basically just helping me to carry the camera all the way. I shared the birds I captured with him afterwards, and he said that although it was tiring, it was a novelty! We went back to the parking lot and descended down the mountain with a full harvest.

bamboo forest
bamboo forest

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Route Map

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