Jokding Trail

Tainan 鈺鼎步道,Overlooking Nanhua Reservoir.

Located in Yujing, Tainan, the 鈺鼎步道(Yuding Trail) is shaded from the sun throughout the entire route, making it a relatively cool walk in the summer, and the pavilion on the trail overlooks the Nanhua Reservoir and the Canaan Plain! The view is excellent, and in early summer in June, you can see different kinds of wildflowers blooming along the trail, which is rich in ecological flavor.

鈺鼎步道(Yuding Trail)

You can start from Tianyan Temple, there is a parking lot in front of Tianyan Temple, and there will be a guide next to the parking lot to tell you how to get to the trail, and you can see a nice little bamboo forest at the beginning.

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

The pink calyx flowers and small unknown purple flowers bloom in summer, making it look vibrant.


From the parking lot to the trail junction is almost flat, but after seeing the trail sign, you will start to climb gently.

Jokding Trail

From here, the forest became denser, and I strolled underneath the trees to see the light spots from the sunlight. The mother and daughter tourists in the photo were walking very slowly, and I realized that the little girl was afraid of stepping on the dead leaves and didn’t dare to go forward, but I thought that it was just the beginning, and that there were still a lot of leaves waiting for her to break through!

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

In the wet ground, you can see small unknown mushrooms.

shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom

After climbing for a short time, I had a rare small outlook, looking to the east, I could see the valley of Houborigi River, and I realized that most of the tourists would stop here for a short time to enjoy the scenery, and we should all have the same idea, so I took advantage of the rare outlook to enjoy it more.

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail
mountain view

Early risers have finished climbing and returned early. Although it is not a very strenuous trail, when we meet downhill climbers, we are usually encouraged to cheer up ~ this is one of the reasons why climbing makes people happy.


There are a few sections of the trail where there is no climbing at all, so it’s very comfortable to walk, and the forest full of trees is really beautiful! Mature green leaves and new leaves have a different sense of layers. I wonder what the scenery is like here in autumn and winter!

Jokding Trail

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

After many pictures with no one in them, finally some other mountain friends showed up. It wasn’t that I caught up with them, but I was taking pictures as I walked and got overtaken when I walked too slowly.

Jokding Trail

Love the heart-shaped leaves and small pinkish-purple flowers.


There are also many unknown wildflowers.


After passing through a gentle section, wooden steps began to appear, this section of the scenery is my favorite, the forest is more compact, and the wooden steps in the visual guide line, this section of the uphill I took a lot of photographs, and came and went a lot of tourists encountered.

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

It’s a rare opportunity to take two pictures of myself.

take a picture of oneself
take a picture of oneself

After the climb, there was another gentle section, this trail is really sweet, always give people breathing space, at this time the mountain began to rain, good thing the leaves helped me block most of them, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the mud on the road.

Jokding Trail

A small lizard suddenly crawls across the trail.


Walked to a wooden fence in front of the walkway and stopped, here to the left, you can see a small outlook vision, the second photo can be found on the right side of the pouring rain! I thought if the rain falls over, even if there are trees to cover it, it will be wet…. Luckily, the rain we encountered on the way was not too heavy. (I did bring an umbrella, but if it’s too heavy, it’s still a pain in the ass!)

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail
rainy landscape

Meet the muddy walkway.

Jokding Trail

This is the last step to the Dangtempo Pavilion. Once you arrive at the pavilion, you will feel more at ease because the rain is uncertain on the mountain, so you can enjoy the scenery without worrying about the rain shelter.

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

Here in the pavilion, the east direction is Nanhua Reservoir, took advantage of the time when it did not rain to take a few pictures, most of the time under the pavilion, Nanhua Reservoir is under a gray misty rain, the reservoir is almost invisible, the rain cleared up the air is exceptionally clear, the lake water of the reservoir is also quite turquoise.

Nanhua Reservoir
Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail
Nanhua Reservoir

Under the pavilion, you can directly see the Canaan Plain in the west, and there are many cloud shadows on the ground, and the light spots move with the wind direction, so I had a snack here for lunch that day, and watched the scenery in front of me as I ate.

Jokding Trail
Jokding Trail

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