Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

阿將的家23咖啡館,mechanical elements and fairy tale architecture.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

Located in Alishan Township, 阿將的家23咖啡館(Ah Jiang’s home 23 cafe) in Leno is a stone house of the Tsou tribe built by Ajou himself. Surprisingly, it is equipped with a lot of mechanical parts, making it a fairytale-like building with a very appealing view! If you come here at the end of January, you can see cherry blossoms blooming, making it a great place for afternoon tea.

阿將的家23咖啡館(Ah Jiang’s home 23 cafe)

On the way past the home of Ah Jiang, you can see a row of cherry trees on the side of the road, if I remember correctly, it is the mountain cherry blossom, they bloom earlier, after passing through here is almost to the destination, pay attention to the terraced rice fields next to the road is a little small strip, it is not easy to meet the car, there are already cars on the small road can be given way to a little bit first!

Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossoms are grown in many tea gardens in Alishan, and you can see them blooming from the end of January.

Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom

When we arrived at Ah Jiang’s home, we couldn’t enter directly, we had to wait for the attendant to bring us in one group at a time. I checked the internet before I came here, and I heard that it is not possible to make reservation in advance, and usually you have to queue up for a while on holidays! Luckily, my friend and I went there at noon on a holiday, and we waited for 5 minutes before it was our turn. I think it was because it rained in the southern part of the country the day before, so there weren’t a lot of people going up the mountain that day.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

When I entered, I was instantly attracted to the place and felt that I had entered a fairy tale. When I walked in, the waiter would introduce the environment of the place, and I heard that it was all handmade by the owner, and the building was a stone house of the Tsou tribe, which was not difficult to realize the owner’s dedication!


The weather is cloudy and sunny, the sun seldom shows up, when it’s cloudy, the scene is less colorful, but it also allows people to focus more on observing the scene shape, once you enter the house, you can see a robot standing in front of the house, which is welded by the boss, Mr. Ah Jiang, with discarded mechanical parts! It’s really interesting.

Cafe 23

After entering the restaurant, you can only see the “Ah Jiang’s home” sign, but you can’t see it from the outside. The second photo below shows the waiter receiving the next group of customers, and this is how he introduced the place repeatedly.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Toshi's home.

The door on the left says Café 23, which is where you enter to order your meal. The waiter will take you to your seat and select your drink before ordering.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

The roof of the house under the big tree is full of fallen leaves.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Toshi's home.

Most of the seats here are partitioned, and there is almost always a group of seats under each roof.


There is also a robot opposite the ordering area, which has been exposed to the sun and rain outside the house, and its oxidized parts look particularly old.

Cafe 23
Mechanical Style

There are two platforms in the park with good views of the mountains. I was seated in the right compartment and took a few pictures of the other people eating on the platform before the food was delivered, and they weren’t in their seats ~ (second picture below), it was a great spot to eat while looking at the view!

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

The platforms are filled with succulents, and the potted shapes are exceptional.


You can also see some cherry blossoms in front of the platform, which are in full bloom at the end of January.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Cherry Blossom

The garden is not big, this is the middle part, the stone house is surrounded by trees. In winter, the leaves on the trees have fallen off a lot and they are quite yellow, so you can imagine that it will be a different kind of green scenery in the spring.


The rare sunlight on the wall, light, shadow, stone, plants, machinery, all these elements enrich the wall ~

Toshi's home.
Mechanical Walls

Everyone must order at least one drink, the drink will include muffins, and the hunter rice balls in the upper left corner need to pay for a hunter rice ball, a rice ball memory of about 70 dollars, drink + muffins around 200 ~ I think I can accept, after all, come here not only to eat a meal, but also took a lot of favorite pictures! (The rice balls are very flavorful, and there is a lot of meat inside, so you can use it as a Chinese food)

Chinese food

The wall of mechanical elements near my seat.

Mechanical Wind
Mechanical Style

The oxidized rusty machinery contrasts with the vibrant cherry blossoms ~ I like this photo very much myself!

Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom

It’s rare to see the blue sky and sunshine on the stone house in the middle area, there are several groups of seats for afternoon tea, I also like this photo, I took it from a group of guests after they left the venue, looking out from their seats! I was waiting for a group of guests to leave, and I took this photo from their seat looking out. I didn’t have an outlook, but I enjoyed the view very much.

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

The door and window frames of the stone house are made of wood, and the curtains are all white, so I feel like it’s their famous house.

famous host

Love the wood paneled plant and the little yellow orchid (I think it’s some kind of orchid?) next to it. I think it’s some kind of orchid?


At the very back of the park, there are a lot of plants, different kinds of plants make the screen colorful, it can be called the garden of the park! There is another area in the back of the park that is sealed off, and there is a building under construction, so I guess the owner is expanding the park!

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Shogun's Home 23 Cafe
Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

Many plants are planted in the grooves of the mechanical elements.


The leaves are heart-shaped.


Dining time in the park is 90 minutes (one and a half hours), and like most of the guests, I spent most of the time taking photos in the park. Although the park is not big, the cozy atmosphere makes you feel that time passes by very quickly. 90 minutes came and went very quickly, and if there is no limit to the time, you can really spend the whole afternoon with your friends!

Shogun's Home 23 Cafe

Mr. Ah Jiang boss.

When I drove into the parking lot, I saw a man welding, and from time to time there were flames, and then I realized that it was the boss, Chong, who was welding mechanical parts. There is a small area behind the pickup truck, and under the green sunshade is the place where the boss works, and there are some cherry blossom trees blooming in the parking lot! I heard that the name 23 Café is because it is the owner’s 23rd year of marriage, hence the name.


Google map:

See google for actual store hours.

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