Snake kiln diy

Nantou shuili snake kiln ,Long-standing kiln culture。

Snake kiln diy

Nantou shuili snake kiln has a long history, enter the park can visit the early days to the present development, many works of art for you to slowly appreciate, the park has a lot of plants in a quiet environment, if you like handmade items or like parent-child interaction, then don’t forget to come to Shui Li Snake Kiln diy tour!

Snake kiln

Once you arrive at the entrance, the gate is made of wood and tiles, which gives you a strong flavor of the olden days. The glass hut next to the entrance is the ticket counter, and the ticket for individuals is NT$150, and the opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with Wednesdays as a public holiday (the place is open on all other days).

Snake kiln diy
Snake kiln diy

The 30-meter-long earthenware cave is the largest feature of the park, and it is impossible to capture all of it from the second floor.

shuili snake kiln
shuili snake kiln
Snake kiln diy

There is a doorway on the side of the cave where you can walk in.

Snake kiln diy

Inside the cave is actually quite bright, I personally think that if you come to the water snake kiln has not gone through this tunnel, you have not been here ¡K

shuili snake kiln
Snake kiln diy

A short walk will bring you out of the head of the kiln (the tail part is blocked off from walking through).

Snake kiln diy

diy zone

Snake kiln head out of the area is the diy pull bad area, there will be teachers to teach ~ here the ticket does not include these diy.

Snake kiln diy
Snake kiln diy

Next to the cave, there will be a large classroom where you can knead clay, and the tables will be filled with visitors’ creations, making it a great activity for parents and children!

Snake kiln diy
Snake in the Water
Snake kiln diy

I’m guessing all these cute creations are made by kids ~ they’re all imaginative shapes.

Snake kiln diy

Campus Environment

The outdoor environment is almost always surrounded by trees, which is what attracted me the most. After all, I don’t know much about ceramics, and I mostly just walk around indoors, but I like the feeling of the dense forest.

Snake kiln diy
Snake kiln diy

Parasitic plants grow thickly on tree trunks.

Snake in the Water

Butterflies are also abundant here, probably due to the richness of the nearby hills. Before I entered the park, I realized that there were a lot of butterflies outside the park.

Snake in the Water

There are a lot of reptiles, too… Maybe they are used to tourists and are not afraid of people.

Snake in the Water

Most of the buildings have wooden walls and brick roofs, so it’s very retro.

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

Cattle pond is a very important place in the early pottery production, before making pottery to practice the soil, but in the past there is no mechanical power, can only rely on the power of the oxen, the master will lead the oxen in the cattle pond spinning, the oxen stepped on the soil after the master will scrape up the soil immediately to collect ¡K

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

There is a restaurant at the end of the kiln, where you can use your ticket for a meal or drink!

Snake in the Water

There are also places to have tea in other areas (both indoors and outdoors).

Snake in the Water

The following two photos are of their presentation room, I feel that the pressure of meeting in there is not too much, it’s totally different from the general meeting room of a company, the atmosphere is very different.

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

Artwork Display

There are a lot of indoor displays in the park, and as I mentioned earlier, I don’t understand any of the artwork…. , just know that they are all beautifully done (even if you can’t read them, it’s still worth walking around and seeing them from a non-artist’s point of view~).

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

There are also many antiques on the second floor above the snake kiln cave, and it is worth a walk to see them.

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

Art Department

There are also several vendors, basically all of them are pottery products. I had lunch at the store at the entrance after I walked around the whole park, and the woman inside loved pottery products, so she had collected a lot of them – I don’t know if that’s why he chose to open a store next to the park.

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

One of the vendors had a lot of green plants, which is totally my thing (green plant control), and I treated it as a gardening landscape ~ I stayed in the whole garden for about three hours, which is about half a day’s worth of walking around!

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water

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