Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Hualien yun shan shui,beautiful Bald cypress forest 。

文章最後更新於 2024 年 3 月 30 日 by dolonglong

Hualien Yun shan shui has a large number of larch trees, which have different appearances with the change of seasons. In summer, there are verdant green leaves, while in autumn and winter, there are dreamy pine reds ~ paired with the lake scenery in the park and the surrounding mountain ranges, the result is an unforgettable view ~ and you can even walk up to the jumping stone waterfalls of Dream Lake to get close to the larch forests in the water!

Yun shan shui Bald cypress Farm

The entire Yunshanshui area is about 24 hectares, including many lodges and larch forests, of which the Yunshanshui Botanical Farm occupies a large portion – at the entrance to the farm, you can see rows of lush green larch trees!

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

At the beginning is a large area of large turf, with the larch forest in the distance is not let a person extra relaxed it, into the cloud water garden is not charged, but this plant farm is required to pay 100 yuan, I personally think it is very cost-effective Oh! After all, the maintenance of the whole garden is costly, and it’s really beautiful!

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

In front of the big turf is one of the ends of Dream Lake (the other end is connected to the skipping stone), and in front of it there is a whole row of iris planted, the flowering season is spring, when I came here it was more than May to see it, but in return there is a whole forest of emerald green larch! Every season is different here.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
yun shan shui

There are small chairs under the trees by the lake for people to rest, so you can enjoy the lake view without sunbathing, which is really a great enjoyment.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Surrounding Lake Mirage on the farm are rows of larch forests, where you can hardly see the red pine leaves on the May ground, and the newly grown grasses are very suitable for photographs, presenting exuberant vitality.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

In addition to the larch, there are many other plants in the park, the left side of the picture below, similar to the iron tree is also planted a lot of lakeside (if you know, you can leave a message to tell me ~), in addition to the coconut trees are not a lot of, the day we went there, almost by the falling coconut leaves hit…. When you pass by, please pay special attention to whether there are hanging dead leaves or not, and pass by quickly or avoid them as much as possible.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

The view below is from the back end of the botanical farm looking towards the entrance ~ the turquoise lake is amazing!

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Yun shan shui Jumping Stone Waterfall

Skipping stone is the most popular place to take photos, but luckily I came before a normal day, so it wasn’t too crowded, and it was perfect for slowing down the shutter speed to take photos of the flowing water.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Special attention should be paid to prevent mosquitoes when you come to Yunshanshui! There are a lot of small black mosquitoes, especially around the skipping stones, so wear loose pants and long sleeves to avoid bites!

yun shan shui

The larch forest behind the jumping stone is planted in the water.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

This view is from the land bridge across from Skipping Rock, the other end of Dream Lake, where ducks swim leisurely (so cozy).

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

In Taiwan, the season for people to see larch is probably the fall and winter seasons, but as long as the time is not good enough to miss, basically it is a forest of dead trees, while summer is different ~ you can definitely see a green forest, and the leaves are very charming in the sun! In addition to the pine red season, it is also recommended to visit in spring and summer.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Beautiful view of B&Bs in the park

Yun Shan Shuei castle

There are many beautiful lodgings in the Yunshanshui Park, among which this European-style building, Yunshanshui B&B, is quite eye-catching, surrounded by fallen pines as well as a large pond in front of the house, creating an overall fairytale atmosphere.

agoda book

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
yun shan shui
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

Bear Forest Villa

The forest with bears is also very special, with a bear-themed bed and breakfast. The grass in front of the house is carved with a big bear head, and there are also bear dolls displayed next to the house, so many tourists rush to take photos of the place.

agoda book

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm
Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

After circling around the park, the B&Bs inside have their own specialties, and not just the ones I’ve photographed above – if you’re here too, slow down and take your time to enjoy the sights.

Yun Shan Shui Botanical Farm

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